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Discover the Ultimate Guide to Earning $500 Monthly as a Beginner with Google AdMob!

Discover the ultimate guide to earning $500 monthly from Google AdMob, perfect for beginners! Unlock the secrets to maximizing your revenue
A picture with admob icon a  bag of money illustrating how to earn $500 monthly from google Admob


Allow me to introduce you to Google AdMob, a super cool mobile advertising platform. It's designed specifically for app developers who want to monetize their apps by displaying ads. With AdMob, you can easily integrate ads into your app and earn some sweet dollars while keeping your users engaged.  It's a win-win situation! So, go ahead and explore the world of AdMob.

 How to get started with google admob as a beginner. Admob ultimate guide

Google admob is highly against fraudulent activities i.e anything related to invalid traffic or self clicking in your app, will lead to your account suspension. You Won't be paid if you try to send in, invalid traffic(try to fraud) on google admob. 
Forget about tricks like self clicking or loading and use google admob the right way. 

In order for you to enjoy google admob, you will have to upload your app(s) to any supported app store like google play store,  amazon app store and others. When the app is live on the app store, all what you will need from there now to start earning is to start building audience, you need a large amount of users and good app reviews for you to start earning well like others. Google also consider the ad review in the app. You can pay people to do the review for you then from there, you will promote your app and get more users. You can do paid ads or you share the app link on webs and apps and make sure you don't spam the web or app. I mean sharing the app on social media platforms like facebook, whatsapp and many others.

How to create an approved Google admob account within 24 hours

Now you must have gotten a good introduction about Google admob and you want to give it a try? All you need is an approved ad serving admob account which I will show you how to get one for your self. Kindly follow the steps below in order to create your admob account.

Head over to you can read what's written there and also learn more about them. But that's not the issue now. Click the get started button or you click the side menu bar icon and click sign up.

Select your Gmail account to be used in creating the admob account and make sure it's an account with the birthyear above 18 years

Select your country and the time zone  then choose your currency and make sure that all the details you are selecting are correct because Google will send you a verification PIN physically using the address provided. If you are in Nigeria don't go and choose USA, just do what's right. Accept their privacy policy and their terms and conditions. I will advise you to go through it because it will help you to know how they really work.
Then click "Next".

You will have to give them your phone number and they will send you an OTP verification code via SMS and if the number have already been used twice or more than once, the account you are about to create, won't be approved because it will will be considered as duplicate account. Just make sure it's a new phone number and also new gmail account. After the OTL verification, click next or verify

I will advise you to click all those check boxes and click done and !boom your account is successfully created but it can't Served ads now which means it can't show ads. You will have to give Google your personal details and billing address and make sure all are correct.

Now how to get your Google admob account approved to serve admob ads? You must add an app to the account which is shown and explained belowm

How to add an app in your admob account

To add an app to your account, is very simple, all you need is the app name or the package name if it's already published on any supported app store. Follow these steps below to add an app to your admob account;

From your dashboard, click the side menu bar icon and click apps then click "add app" 

Select Android if you are an Android app developer, but if you are an iOS app developer you will select iOS then select "No" where it ask if your app is published on any supported app store. But you can later add the app if it's published.

Add your app name in the provided textbox, you can use any name for now, I will suggest you use account verification as the app name it doesn't have any issue. After all that, click continue or next 

!boom your app has been added successfully. Click done and go back to your main dashboard or home.

How to add/fill in your billing address details in your admob account

It's easy to add your billing address details. All you need to do is to implement these steps below.

Click the side menu bar icon again and click payment below. Please make sure you are using a supported browser like chrome. If not the payment page won't load, only an error will be displayed asking you to use google chrome to open the page.

After the page is fully loaded, you will be ask to input your billing address. 

All what you have to do, is to add the following details below;

  • Your real name if required.
  • Your address linear1 (add your state here)
  • Your address line2 (bus stop)
  • Your city and finally
  • Your postal code, you can search for your postal code on google incase you don't know it.

The phone number section is optional and in some countries they don't ask for the postal code. after all this information have been provided correctly, you will just have to click save and wait for about 6 to 24 hours hours to get the approval mail from Google admob. This might take even 2weeks in some cases. You just have to wait patiently, and make sure you don't create another account again

When you get the approval mail from Google, all you need now is to come back to your admob account and add a new app using your real app name then from there now you will have to add the ad units.

How to add/create ad units admob ad units for beginners

After adding your app successfully, you just have to go to the app overview section, and click "add ad units" if there are no ad units added yet. The first ad you have to create is the banner. You will click the banner ad which is the first ad in yellow and name it banner, after that, click create ad unit then click create another ad unit

Now select interstitial ad which is the second ad in the list, it has a blue icon, then name it interstitial and click create ad unit. After that, click create another ad unit.

Now select the fourth app in the list, not third, which is rewarded ad and if you like you can select the third one which is rewarded interstitial, they are all the same ads but different in terms of revenue.
Name the ad rewarded ad, after that click create ad unit and finally click done. 

!boom !boom !boom your ads units are successfully created

How to save your admob ad units as a beginner. How Email your admob ad units.

If you like you can copy the ad units directly from your account after creating it. But if you can't or you don't like to do so, then follow these steps below;

1. Click the check boxes icon beside the word "ad units" to select all the ad unit you have added to that particular app in your account.

2. Click "send email instructions", scroll down the pop-up page and click send. The ad units will be automatically forwarded to your Gmail account. So to copy it, just open the mail they sent to you and copy the various codes as required.

From there now you can use the ad codes in your app and real/live ads will show in the app.

Note: your account have been approved to serve ads and not verified. When you start earning and you have reached $10+ Google will ask you to verify your payment address with the pin they sent to your postal office using your provided information in the billing address details.

If you don't verify this details, your account will remain on ads limits and your payments will be on hold.

If you don't have money to publish your apps on play store, you can use other free app stores that are supported by admob like Amazon app store, Vivo and Samsung Galaxy app store. But if you have the money then fine. Go ahead and buy your console it's $25

After following all these steps correctly, you will be able to tell people what Google admob is all about and how it works. you will be able to create an approved admob account just within 24 hours.

Google admob is free to use. Nothing is paid. All you need is an app and upload it to any supported app store and try to get more app users. Of you are not an app developer, you can purchase the app from those who are good in it and please avoid dealing with scæmmers

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